Invisible Braces


Invisible braces allow you to straighten your teeth without the use of traditional metal braces with brackets and wires. Instead, the invisible option utilizes clear alignment trays that gradually guide your teeth into the correct position. In most cases, other people won’t ever be able to tell that you’re even wearing braces at all! The aligners are so thin, so clear, that they’re virtually invisible.

Invisible Braces offer many advantages over metal braces

There are no dietary restrictions with our clear braces, because you remove the aligners during each meal and place them back into your mouth when you’re finished

Comfort and convenience of invisible braces put them at a great advantage when it comes to choosing what type of orthodontic care you need. Every aligner provides an exact fit that avoids any discomfort or irritation to your mouth. With traditional braces, you must avoid certain foods and drinks that can damage your metal brackets or cement. There are no dietary restrictions with our clear braces, because you remove the aligners during each meal and place them back into your mouth when you’re finished.

Caring for your clear braces is a breeze. They’re easy to keep clean; just take them out to brush and floss your teeth as normal. With clear braces, patients can expect stronger tooth enamel, lower rates of gum disease, and healthier teeth than patients wearing cumbersome traditional braces. We offer two types. Which one you choose is based on your lifestyle and budget.

Invisalign: A world leader

One of the best known brands, and a world leader when it comes to invisible braces is Invisalign. This system is effective and so subtle most people will never know you are wearing braces. Learn more about Invisalign here

Clearline: Simple, fast, and affordable

The most affordable solution that we provide are Clearline braces. At your consultation appointment we will discuss your needs, expectations, and present a virtual treatment plan that will show you what your smile will look like after your treatment is completed. Within two weeks you’ll be wearing your aligners, and you can expect to finish your treatment in up to 50% less time than traditional braces. Not only do Clearline and MTM braces take a fraction of the time, they’re also available at a fraction of the cost compared to other popular alignment brands.

What is treatment like?

Because we treat minor tooth misalignments and the appearance of your front teeth, your treatment visits are simple. We send your alignment trays home with you ahead of time, and you just change them out every 2 weeks. Periodic checks every 6-8 weeks will allow us to make sure that your treatment is progressing properly so that you can expect exceptional results.