At Seacoast Dental Centre, we’re committed to providing patients with the best and most effective treatments using advanced technologies, including our argon laser.
What are the Advantages of Laser Dentistry?
Our dental laser is a versatile piece of equipment suitable for a range of procedures and can treat hard tissues like bone and teeth and soft tissues such as your gums. The laser produces a beam of energy that allows us to remove hard and soft structures extremely precisely during treatment that is faster and more comfortable for our patients. Afterwards, healing is quicker with less discomfort. Often, it is unnecessary to use dental anesthesia during laser dentistry.
When Might I Need Laser Dentistry?
We use our argon laser in a variety of treatments. These include preparing teeth for fillings. Laser gum therapy is especially effective for treating gum infections, a condition called gum disease which unfortunately is very common.
Laser Dentistry is especially helpful for root canals. In the past, it would take a huge effort to seal off the many different channels that represent the roots of a tooth, like trying to pull out all the roots of a tree and closing off those openings so that they can’t collect bacteria. The laser makes that incredibly simple and quick, utilizing dynamic pulses of energy to do the same thing almost instantly, dramatically reducing your discomfort and the time you need for the root canal procedure.
Instant healing of cold sores
Laser dentistry has a remarkable impact on cold sores, Aphthous Ulcers, and Lichen Planus. In moments, the pain is eliminated and these types of mouth lesions are impacted so that they begin to recede. People who have gone through chemotherapy often get these kind of lesions. Contact us for quick relief.
Relief of Snoring
Did you know that laser dentistry can also help with snoring? It’s true! NightLase is a technique that uses the laser light to increase collagen production in the back of the tongue and throat. This process tightens up the tissue so that it no longer has that excess movement, which can reduce and completely stop snoring.
Our dental laser can also help with a common issue known as TMJ. This is when a patient suffers from pain in the jaws due to excessive tightening of the jaw muscles.
Replacing a Conventional Dental Drill
Because our argon laser can treat hard and soft tissues, it can replace a dental drill when removing dental decay and reshaping damaged areas in preparation for dental fillings. Our laser is often very useful when treating smaller teeth, where it is tricky to use an ordinary drill. Laser treatment is far quieter than a dental drill, which is nicer for everyone and especially for anyone who experiences anxiety when hearing a drill.
Using Laser Gum Therapy to Treat Gum Disease
Laser gum therapy is gentle and less invasive than other gum treatments while destroying harmful pathogens, inflammatory molecules and toxins that cause periodontitis. We can use the dental laser to precisely remove gum tissue that is too badly infected to heal while preserving the maximum amount of healthy gum tissue. As the laser removes the damaged tissue, it automatically seals small blood vessels, cauterizing them and reducing side effects such as swelling and bleeding. The laser energy helps sterilize areas treated, eliminating more of the harmful bacteria that cause gum disease. After treatment, your body is more able to fight the infection effectively.
Very little downtime is needed afterwards, and most people will feel perfectly well enough to return to work and normal activities the next day. We provide precise instructions on caring for your gums to ensure your mouth remains clean and hygienic during healing. As your gums start to heal, they will begin to fit more snugly around your teeth, becoming stronger and healthier, so they bleed less frequently.
Is Laser Dentistry Safe?
Our high-quality laser is well-maintained, and Dr. Cadigan is experienced in using this equipment, selecting the right wavelength for each procedure. As with all treatments provided by our dental office, we always take every precaution to ensure they are safe and appropriate.