After January, the Monday of all months, February comes along with another depressing holiday for single people who are usually completely fine enjoying their lives on their own terms. For some, it’s a question of freedom but there is a contingent that has not been lucky enough to meet someone with all the key ingredients of chemistry, compatible life goals, and kindness.
Valentine’s Day can seem like one more holiday where society tells you that they don’t approve of your choice to be single. In reality you don’t want to be in a relationship with just anyone. You are special and deserve the best. It’s important to remember that.
You don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy but for the people who are single, it’s not fun to be reminded that at times we feel lonely. I think Bjork sang it best in a song, “I miss you, but I haven’t met you yet…”
Waiting for the Right person to come into your life means that patience is required. To keep busy you can work on steady self improvement on your career, education, and physical and spiritual health.
Your dental health is related to you overall wellness and has been linked to outcomes of heart disease and other chronic illnesses.
Your smile is a key indicator of how well you care for yourself. Do you have cavities? Are you missing any teeth that are part of your smile? How confident do you feel about your teeth? Your dental health is related to you overall wellness and has been linked to outcomes of heart disease and other chronic illnesses.
My grandmother used to say that your teeth are your most precious jewels. You wear them every day and everyone sees them. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and a good daily routine can make all the difference.
Luckily, at Chatham Dental Centre we do both. We offer the prevention and the cure for you total oral health. If you have a great smile, then have it checked regularly. If you need some major work, discover your options, come and get a professional opinion. We might not work miracles for you romantic life, but we won’t hurt your chances either.
Whether you are married, engaged or loving the single life, the team at Chatham Dental Centre wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.