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A gappy smile is a cute look for little kids, but it is not so great for adults. Unfortunately, many of us will lose a tooth or two, perhaps because of an unfortunate sporting accident, or when it isn’t possible to save a severely infected tooth. We always fight hard to preserve our patients’ natural teeth, but if tooth removal is the only option then our dentist Dr. James Cadigan will chat to you about how best to replace it. One of the most popular long-term solutions is to have a dental implant. With the proper care, it should last for many years or even for life.

Why Choose a Dental Implant?

While there are other options such as a dental bridge supported by the adjacent teeth, a dental implant is unique because it replaces the entire tooth and has only beneficial effects on your existing teeth. If you were to choose a dental bridge, the teeth adjacent to the gap must be significantly reshaped so they can be covered up with dental crowns which support the replacement tooth. These adjacent teeth won’t need any reshaping with a dental implant because it is self-supporting. A small post, usually made from medical-grade titanium alloy is inserted into the jawbone and is specifically designed to encourage new bone growth on and around the post. Within three months or so, the implant post is firmly fused in your jawbone and is strong enough to support your brand-new tooth.

Protecting Your Dental Health

One of the main advantages of choosing a dental implant is its protective effect on your jawbone. When you lose a tooth, then you will eventually lose some bone mass in the area of the original tooth root and which can destabilize the adjacent teeth. A dental implant post so closely replicates a real tooth root that this bone loss is prevented. It provides the necessary stimulation to the bone to ensure old bone cells are continually replaced, just like a real tooth root.

Implant Crowns Look Fantastic

Another advantage is the excellent aesthetics because an implant-supported tooth will look and feel just like a natural tooth, or might look even better than before! Because it is supported by the implant post, the implant crown will emerge from the gums, exactly like your natural teeth. Here at Chatham Dental Centre, we can use the most advanced dental ceramics to create beautiful crowns.

Easy to Care For

Single dental implants are super-easy to care for because you can brush and floss them just like real teeth. Your regular check-ups and hygiene appointments are essential for keeping your implant tooth strong and healthy. Good dental hygiene is vital because even though dental implants are artificial, they are still surrounded by living bone and gum, and without the correct care, these tissues can become infected.

Not Just for Single Missing Teeth

Dental implants are wonderful for single missing teeth but work equally as well for multiple missing teeth. It is even possible to restore complete arches with an implant-supported dental bridge which is permanently fixed in place, or alternatively with a removable implant-supported denture that clips onto the dental implants, so no more loose dentures!

Dental implants are the most sophisticated choice of tooth replacement and are suitable for most people. If you are interested, you will need a full consultation with Dr. Cadigan, and it’s your chance to ask lots of questions. Your gappy grin could soon be banished to the past! Just request an appointment and we’ll get back to you quickly to schedule one.

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