A beautiful smile is a powerful thing


A beautiful smile is a powerful thing

Posted by James Cadigan in Dental Health 20 Nov 2017

A beautiful smile is a truly powerful thing and often you have just a few seconds to make a positive first impression on people you meet both personally and professionally. Having nice teeth is always attractive no matter your age.

A Beautiful Smile Can Be a Great Asset

A survey carried out by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that 48% of people believe a smile is the most memorable feature about a person, far more so than the first thing they say or the clothes they wear. In comparison, around a third of those surveyed thought people with a less than perfect smile were less attractive and less confident compared to those people with perfect teeth.

So, what can you do if your smile isn’t quite as beautiful as you’d like? Luckily, cosmetic dentistry can offer a solution, providing subtle or more dramatic effects depending on your needs and desires.

How We Can Help You Here at Chatham Dental Centre?

Our dental team loves to transform people’s smiles. We only use the very best and latest cosmetic dentistry techniques combined with technologically advanced materials, giving you highly aesthetic and long-lasting results. We have a great range of treatments, each of which will be customized just for you, because after all your smile is unique.

When designing a new smile, we consider a number of different factors including your gender and your facial features and even your personality. The idea is to create a look that will be natural yet beautiful, complementing your appearance.

It’s quite possible that your smile may only need refreshing, perhaps by renewing any stained white fillings, while a hygiene appointment could restore your smile to its sparkling best.

Other treatments that may interest you include teeth whitening, beautiful porcelain veneers and crowns and bridges. More advanced treatments include Invisalign adult orthodontics while dental implants offer a long-term solution for missing teeth.

Deciding Which Treatments Will Help You Most

Quite often there will be something about your smile that you’d really like to change, perhaps if you have one or two teeth out of alignment or maybe an unsightly gap. It’s worth spending a few moments thinking about how you’d like to improve the appearance of your teeth so you can discuss this with Dr. Cadigan during your initial consultation. By talking with you, we can decide how best to help you and we can provide you with your customised treatment plan.

This will show which treatments will best help you and every possible option will be clearly explained, so you will understand how it will benefit the appearance of your teeth. Your treatment plan will also show the costs and time required to complete each treatment. This initial consultation is your opportunity to ask us any questions and your treatment plan will be yours to take home so you can discuss your options with friends or family before reaching a fully informed decision.

To find out more, just contact Chatham Dental Centre to book your consultation. Choosing any of these treatments could give you a smile that will look fabulous well beyond fall.

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